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Everything About Liposuction

2021-04-21 17:30:01

Dr. Fariba Azadikhah
Reviewed by:
Dr. Fariba Azadikhah

Are you wondering that should I get liposuction?

Why do you want to get liposuction?

Do you want to get rid of a few kilograms and look slimy or you only want to lose a lot of weight?


Liposuction also known as lipo, lipoplasty, or body contouring is considered a popular cosmetic surgery option. It is an elective plastic surgery procedure that removes excess fat from the body improving the shape or contours of the body. The stubborn body fat usually breaks down or suck out from areas such as the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, neck, or back. These fats haven’t been burned out by diet and exercise. You should consider that liposuction isn’t a weight loss treatment and not everyone is a good candidate for it. It has major risks and possible complications, so it’s important to talk to a specialist before doing it.


removing fat from different areas

What are the different liposuction techniques?

There are various liposuction methods which in all a thin tube, called a cannula, connected to a vacuum is used to suction the fat from your body. Some of the methods include manual or conventional liposuction, laser assisted liposuction, Vaser, Water-jet liposuction, and Radio-frequency (RF) liposuction which are described briefly below:

·       Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL)

SAL is the regular liposuction type which works excellently for most patients.

·       Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is very similar to SAL with the difference that larger amounts of fluid are used to make the area become “tumescent.” In this technique a sterile solution is injected into the targeted tissue where the fat is to be removed. The solution consists of saline, lidocaine and epinephrine which makes it easier to suction the fat with less bleeding and pain.

It seems that the tumescent liposuction is the most popular and common cosmetic procedure, which is more effective, safer, less painful with faster recovery than traditional liposuction. It is performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require general anesthesia.

·       Laser-Assisted Liposuction or SmartLipo

Laser assisted liposuction uses laser to produce a surge of energy to liquefy the stubborn fat, coagulate blood vessels, and tighten skin. If the body area is small, the ruptured fat cells are removed from the body system as no suction will be required in this case, known as lipolysis. When the body area is large the ruptured fat is aspirated than it is called laser-assisted liposuction. It is said that SmartLipo is a less invasive and safer procedure with quicker recovery, reduced bruising, and enhanced skin tightening compared to SAL. But actually it is no safer and nor less invasive than other types of liposuction. In fact, there is no difference in outcomes or side effects between laser assisted liposuction and suction assisted liposuction.

·       Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction or Vaser

Ultrasonic liposuction is performed by making incisions and inserting a low-frequency ultrasound device attached to a cannula. By using a sound wave energy under the skin the cell walls of the fat will break and afterwards the fat is suctioned out with a traditional suction tube. VASER reduces blood loss, swelling, and bruising; skin tightening. It slowly and gently removes the underlying fat without affecting the structural tissue and therefore less pain is experienced. The recovery period is also very minimum. It also works better for removing fat from the back and flanks. However, there is no real evidence that Vaser produces better results.

·       Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

Power assisted liposuction (PAL) may be a good option if you have high volumes of fat that need to be removed. This procedure is performed with a special, motorized cannula. The main benefit of PAL is quicker fat removal, less tireless work and fatigue and delivers the best outcomes. It may also have more benefits in breaking up fat in particularly dense areas.

·       High Definition Liposuction (HDL)

High definition liposuction (HDL) focuses on enhancing the underlying muscular definition of the torso by performing very selective superficial liposuction and muscle enhancement with fat grafting. High definition liposuction requires additional procedure time, recovery time, expense, and expertise compared to non-HD liposuction.

·       RF-liposuction

Bipolar high-frequency current is used in this technique giving a better skin tightening.

What is the safest liposuction procedure?

Keep in mind that there is no single best type of liposuction, as all modern forms of liposuction are generally considered equally safe and effective when performed by an expert surgeon on properly selected patients. Another important fact is that when it comes to liposuction, the most critical factor for gaining an ideal result is the skill of the surgeon performing the procedure.

Remember that complications can still happen even if you go to the best surgeon and follow directions carefully.

People who are most satisfied with their liposuction results are ones that:

·       consider carefully the pros and cons beforehand

·       are informed about what to expect

·       choose a qualified and experienced surgeon

·       discuss the details carefully with their surgeon

liposuction incision

 Safe liposuction

Patients are anxious about results and they speak with the other patients and ask about the procedure but what is the safest way to this procedure? What is the best technique? A dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Klein introduced the tumescent technique of local anesthesia, which is the faultless liposuction surgery.

Tumescent includes minimal blood loss; making transfusions needless; local anesthesia so fortunately, you have no risks of long-lasting anesthesia and minimal surgical pain. Intumescent versus traditional liposuction, you experience the Faster recovery.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction utilizes tiny microcannulas,2.5mm in diameter with a 2mm incision that becomes invisible. Basically, it leads to quicker recovery than common liposuction. A small cannula is inserted and attached to a suction tube connected to a vacuum pump, and the surgeon repeatedly moves the cannula back and forth to remove the fat by suction, and there may be a slight tingling sensation. At first, the surgeon should evaluate the space that the liposuction is performed accurately. Enough space for moving because it’s a mechanized procedure and the room should be the inadequate size.

Before that The surgeon begins the operation with injections that make the hard fat firmer and firmer so that it is easier and painless and reduces the recovery time of the fat.  This way utilizes for breast reduction. Dr. Klein’s technique is a very good substitute method for breast reduction.

How dangerous is liposuction?

As with any major surgery, liposuction is a serious surgery with multiple risks carries risks, such as bleeding, infection, and a reaction to anesthesia. There are several possible risks and complications directly related to liposuction that you still have to consider, including: Contour irregularities. bumpy, wavy or withered skin due to uneven fat removal, fluid accumulation under the skin, temporary or permanent numbness in the affected area, skin infections poor skin elasticity, unusual healing, internal puncture by the cannula, and fat embolism.

The risk of liposuction complications is commonly related with how large the procedure is and the surgeon’s skills and training. If you make sure that your liposuction is done by a specially trained, board-certified cosmetic surgeon you can reduce the mentioned risks.


Why you should not get liposuction?

Although liposuction is effective on most patients, but there is a risk of side effects such as bruising, swelling, infection, deep vein thrombosis, and irregular pigmentation. People who are over 45, are obese, or have a serious illness face greater risks during liposuction. You should remember that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Liposuction is normally a very safe procedure with a rather easy recovery. However, it is still a surgery.


What are the chances of dying from liposuction? What is the death rate for liposuction? Can lipo kill you? Has anyone died from laser lipo?

The total complication rate of liposuction is approximately 5%, which are mostly minor complications. However, studies have showed that deaths after this procedure are as high as 1 in 5,000 surgeries. The mortality rate for outpatient surgery is 0.25–0.50 per 100,000 procedures. The mortality rate today for liposuction is 1,350,000.

A new study in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal has indicated an unacceptable death rate following the surgery. About 20 in every 100,000 patients who underwent liposuction between 1994 and 1998 died after liposuction. Another report published in The New England Journal of Medicine indicated that among 48,527 deaths referred to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York from 1993 to 1998, five deaths were related to liposuction.


However remember that liposuction technology has evolved over time, so it is safer than it was decades ago.

As you have noticed there is a quite long list of serious risk and complications of liposuction. However, they are preventable with a licensed, board-certified surgeon’s proper patient screening.


Dangerous Complications of liposuction and death possibility:

What is the death rate of liposuction? Is it deadly?

Although the rate of complications in liposuction procedures is about 5 percent and most of these are minor complications that don't make very dangerous conditions, studies showed the mortality rate during the surgery as high as 1 in 5000 patients. However death rate is very low, death can occur for patients. The most common reason that embraces the 23% of all reasons of sudden liposuction deaths is pulmonary thromboembolism.

Liposuction is a type of major procedure and like all of them Carries different risks like over bleeding or overreaction to anesthesia medications. The question is that is it valuable to have a liposuction procedure with all of the risks?

The answer depends on your decision because this method is a perfect process for body contouring and it is important for your surgeon to be upfront that the procedure is sometimes a waste of money as it will not generate the results they seek.

There are some risk factors that increase the mortality possibility in liposuction patients:

• Breathing issues

• Problems with blood clotting

• Abuse of drugs or alcohol

• One or more chronic diseases


Surgeons will evaluate the risk of pulmonary thromboembolism related to liposuction and if the possibility is high, at first they have to warn the patient and then try to have special methods to prevent thromboembolism like utilizing local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.

Surgeons, healthcare providers, and anesthesiologists who use systemic anesthesia should cooperate with epidemiologists to investigate the hypothesis that general anesthesia increases the risk of fatal pulmonary emboli.

 Ready for more guides to help you get your body in shape? if you do decide to get liposuction, here in Ermateb we provide you with board-certified plastic-cosmetic surgeons which give you primary consultations and discuss the potential complications and risks before the surgery. In this way, they can determine whether you are a good candidate for liposuction. If not, the surgeon will select a more appropriate, less-risky procedure for you.

The most critical factor for obtaining a good result is the skill of the surgeon performing the procedure which Ermateb provides the best for you. Deciding the particular technique for having the surgery is highly individualized which you can only decide after the primary assessment with the plastic surgeon.

And always remember that a healthy, active lifestyle is necessary to maintain the body and keep fat off.



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